Friday, 23 May 2008

BREAKING NEWS: New County Cabinet Announced

There are two new faces in the Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet announced on Thursday.

Council Leader, Cllr John Davies, has named councillors Mark Edwards as Cabinet Member for Communities and Partnerships while Councillor Ken Rowlands is given responsibility for Environmental and Regulatory Services.

The 10-strong Cabinet also has two Deputy Leaders with Councillor Jamie Adams joining the current Deputy Leader, Councillor John Allen-Mirehouse.

The new Cabinet is:

Councillor John Davies (Leader) - Corporate Matters and Finance.
Councillor John Allen-Mirehouse (Deputy Leader) - Regeneration and Economic Development.
Councillor Jamie Adams (Deputy Leader) - Highways and Planning.
Councillor Mark Edwards - Communities and Partnerships.
Councillor Huw George - Children, Young People, Learning and Welsh Language.
Councillor Sian James - Voluntary Sector, Health and Well-Being.
Councillor Rob Lewis - Cultural Services, Sports, Leisure and Tourism.
Councillor Ken Rowlands - Environmental and Regulatory Services.
Councillor David Simpson - Housing and Sustainability.
Councillor David Wildman - Adult Services and Care.

Same old same old.

2004 - X number of "Independent" councillors dumped from their seats. X number of new "Independent" councillors recruited to IPG - no change in council corruption.

2008 - X number of "Independent" councillors dumped from their seats. X number of new "Independent" councillors recruited to IPG - no change in council corruption.


Anonymous said...

do you read comments left on this purile blog. you do not half talk a load of tosh when responding to others. obviously you have nothing else in your sad little life to do.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Where has the bloggs gone off the Telegraph site ?

Anonymous said...

yippy dippy doo da day

I have lots to do with my life I just enjoy making comments on the corruption of local politics and individuals involved.

Poor old Andrew Lye doesn't even have the balls to respond to comments left on his blogs.

Too many of the councillors are in it for their own ends as proved time and time again by them all using the system to line their own pockets.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding to the comments. Your balls must be huge. can you sort the clock out though.
I hope they have not taken the Blogs off the WT as it would spoil the fun.

Anonymous said...

My balls are no bigger and no more golden than Beckhams.

They remove the link to the blog occasionally, usually after they've emailed me to tell me they are going to report me to my ISP if I don't stop using swear words or reminding the public of the "criminal" behaviour of some of our authority representatives.

They don't like free speech evidently, or their afraid of the gang of 16's lawyers everytime someone leaves a nasty comment about one of them.

Whatever happened to being allowed to have an opinion?

Hell, it's like living in Zimbabwe :-)


Anonymous said...

Councillor David Wildman - Adult Services and Care.

I thought Andrew Lye was in charge of Adult Services????

Anonymous said...

Care maybe but not adult services. the caring sharing type as he is. doh, im falling into your trap of dissing poor mr Lye.
we all have our roles in life.

Anonymous said...

Indeed we do Doc. Live and let live as far as I'm long as you're not a scum sucking fraudulent dishonest parasite who talks in riddles and disrespects the people that you are supposed to be representing!!!!

Mr Lye is probably a very nice guy, unfortunately he is of the same mould as many of our councillors. Straight talking people is what you need, so many of our councillors deride the involvement of politics in local government but they are happy to adopt so many Politician-like traits such as abusing their power, claiming expenses that they are not entitled to and trying to use evasive wording to avoid accusations of wrongdoing thrown at them.

Anonymous said...

straight talking gets you into whole heap of trouble. I know i was that soldier.
honesty coupled with intelligence and foresight, a very rare mix in government as in life in general. we marginalise people who are of this breed because we are scared of them and their attitude. usually seen as arrogant but with hindsight are boardering on genius.
but the gravytrain has certainly left the station with a lot of new passengers since mays election.

Anonymous said...

Some fair comments Doc but no amount of genius (and I do feel that is severely lacking in most of our current members) can excuse the greed and abuse of power, planning committees and expenses.