Thursday, 19 June 2008

Have Your Say On 'Super Surgery'

Pembrokeshire Local Health Board and Pembrokeshire Community Health Council are holding events as part of their public consultation into the opening of a new Primary Care centre in Milford Haven.

The public can attend and discuss the project with representatives of the development company, Assura Property, GPs and practice staff from Barlow House and Robert Street surgeries plus members of the LHB and the CHC.

Don't waste your breath by attending this meeting. I attended one in Pembroke Dock not so long back and absolutely nothing voiced by members of the public at this meeting was taking into condsideration by the LHB etc.

I can guarantee you 100% that this "development" (how frightenting is it that a development company is involved at all?) will be carried through regardless of public opinion. It's happened all over the place.

No longer can you attend your own surgery and be assured of seeing "your own" doctor the same day, you now have to make an appointment to be ill unless you seek a same day appointment in which case you will spend half an hour on hold (on an 0870 number which can cost in the region of 10p per minute and which our NHS GP practices make a PROFIT on) only to be told that someone (a Triage Nurse whatever one of those is, I thought Triage was something to do with horse jumping, oh no, that's dressage) will call you back and decide whether you are ill enough to see a Doctor that day (if you are still alive at this point of course because many older people will be far too embarrassed to actually "press 1 if you have a medical emergency" because they don't think pain in the chest is something they should bother the nice people at the ambulance station with)

And all the time our GPs are wanting ever rising salaries and ever reducing hours.

YOU try and get an appointment to have a blood test done outside working hours. Oh no, you have to take the morning off work to have a blood test these days.

Super surgeries MY ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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