Thursday, 19 June 2008

Western Telegraph's Biased Publishing Of Letters Of Support For Cllr Rowlands

Seeing that the WT has lost it's balls again and is not willing to allow comments to be added to it's biased publishing of the letters to the editor on this subject I reproduce them here for open and free comment.

According to Cllr Stoddart's weekly column he knows for a fact that letters containing conflicting opinions of Ken Rowlands' treacherous actions in accepting a bribe in the shape of a Special Responsibility Allowance to join the IPG so it begs the question "WHY DIDN'T THE WT EDITOR FEEL ABLE TO PUBLISH A BALANCED VIEW?"


5 letters in support of Ken Rowlands, doesn't REALLY appear orchestrated at all does it really?

Ken: "Hi Neil, Lord Cumbutter has asked if I can get a few friends to sign their names to a few letters that he has had prepared by the PR department to try and take a bit of the heat off me. I've told him yes because he is an absolute genius at working the local media to his advantage. Whenever anyone catches him or any of us cronies out he just laughs and says it's "good old Pembrokeshire Politics at it's worst". You will? Great, I'll drop the letter round tonight, I've already got Eddie Setterfield, Mike Cole & Roy Bourne to agree. In fact, Roy Bourne is such an arse licker he's agreed to do TWO for me and we're going to try and get the WT to publish them under different headlines. I've had to bung him a drink like, but I'll just put that down on expenses, so no worries there."

Labour loss is county’s definite gain

Dear Editor - Labour group leader Cllr Sue Perkins' comments regarding the defections to the Independent group has only succeeded in speeding up the demise of the Labour group in Pembrokeshire.

Where was the Labour group support to Cllr Ken Rowlands in the opposition of the proposed siting of a recycling yard in Johnston, to develop Arnolds Yard, or for the much-needed Bulford Road scheme?

As chairman of Johnston Community Council, I worked closely with Cllr Rowlands, who is Labour through and through, but has had to do all this without his group support.

In 2004, Cllr Rowlands bucked the anti-Labour trend in Johnston and the constituents supported him for his work within the community and not for the party, which has been proven in the recent election.

By elevating Cllr Rowlands, and his Labour values, to a cabinet position, the leader has shown that political groups are not required at local government level.

Labour's loss is Pembrokeshire's gain.

Neil James 4 Hayston Road, Johnston.

Neil, I'm afraid to say you are talking shite, it must be a Johnston thing.

Labour is about more than membership of a party, especially for people who have been members of the party for as long as Ken Rowlands has. It's a core principle belief. Rowlands bucked the trend before and his move to the IPG will never been seen by the majority of people as anything other than selfishness and greed and his blame of Labour as the cause of his decision is laughable.

Sure, the Bulford Road project is likely very much needed, but so is dualling of our roads into the county which the WAG also vetoed, you don't see all of the labour MPs in our county resigning their seats and joining the Lib Dems or something equally as mad as Rowlands' decision to take 30 pieces of silver offered by Lord Cumbutter.

If he bucked the trend once he could easily have did it again if his personal credentials amongst the voters of Johnston are as high as we are led to believe. Cllr S. Hancock did it in Neyland this year also, so Rowlands' blame of the Labour party for his scurrilous move to the contemptible IPG holds no water at all.

And what's the big deal about having a recycling yard in Johnston?????

According to someone that I met whilst out walking my dog in the street the other day, there is already a fucking great big recycling yard at 2 Woodlands View run by a Mr Lye?
Councillors Shouldn't "run round the poitical (sic) flag pole"

Dear Editor - I see that Labour's Sue Perkins has kicked up because a few of her old buddies have jumped ship and joined the Independents.

It is a great shame that the Labour group was formed in the early days of the new Pembrokeshire County Council.

I have never been a political camp follower, I have always voted for the person who I thought would help our county and not run around the flag poll for their political party.

It was a very sad day when we ended up with political parties fighting at County Hall instead of shouting in tune for the rest of us.

Like the two old district councils that it replaced, if this county council had kept politics out from its business, I know we would have been the best forward thinking councils in Wales.

Eddie Setterfield Cromwell Road, Milford Haven.

Interesting Eddie, HOW do you KNOW that exactly???

And "I have never been a political camp follower"????

You were once a member of the IPG yourself which is itself a political group so you're talking through your arse as well.

What exactly IS a "Poitical" flagpole?
Congratulations Ken For "principled stand"

Dear Editor - May I respond to the accusations levied at Cllr Ken Rowlands, of Johnston by the local Labour Group in the Western Telegraph (May 28th).I am pretty sure that the people of Johnston have re-elected Ken Rowlands wholly on the grounds of what he has done, and continues to do, for the community since being elected, and that has nothing to do with his personal politics.

Ken Rowlands' platform is that he is there to serve the people he represents and not so-called "party interests", and, considering the current political scene, he deserves to be congratulated for taking such a principled stand.

Having served as clerk to Johnston Community Council for some 36 years, I am fully aware of all that Ken has achievedas county councillor for Johnston since his first election and that is why he has been re-elected by an appreciative electorate.
To try to demean Ken's achievements is simply Labour party tactics of the meanest kind.

Mike Cole (Former clerk to Johnston Community Council) 34 Eastleigh Drive, Milford Haven.

I think that it is fairly widely accepted that Ken Rowlands may have served the people of Johnston well over a long period. That is not the issue. The issue is the abandonment of his core principles for the sake of being embraced by Lord Cumbutter in return for a cabinet position with a special responsibility allowance, or so it seems. Nothing he has done in the past will ever be able to erase his decision to apparently have his principles bought in this way, it's akin to selling your soul to the devil in local political terms.

Having reached the dizzy heights of clerk to a community council Mr Cole will surely agree that sticking to your core principles should be more important than taking the proverbial 30 pieces of silver in this manner.

If he REALLY wanted to make a point, he would have resigned his membership of the Labour party and stood as an "independent independent". THAT, I would have agreed, would have been a principled stand for sure.

Shame on you Councillor Rowlands, shame on YOU!

Outraged By Perkins'/Councillor's Comments
Dear Editor - It has been my privilege to work with Cllr Ken Rowlands on Johnston Community Council, Johnston Development Trust and as a Governor of Johnston CP School and I am totally outraged at the comments of Sue Perkins.

Ken is Labour through and through. No-one could ever have worked harder, or more effectively for their community.

I have been a member of the Labour Party for almost 40 years, but have decided to resign my membership.

If they believe they can do without committed supporters like Ken Rowlands, they can certainly do without me.

Roy Bourne Chairman, Johnston Community Council.

The "Chairman" has spoken..........more shite from Johnston.

I was under the impression that Ken had parted company with the Labour Party having thrown his toys out of the pram, not the other way round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - I love how people with no social skills gather together on the internet to exchange beliefs that everything is a conspiracy. Don't you think people with real lives - i.e. not you sad gimps - have actual work to do rather than orchestrating a letter-writing campaign to the local paper. John Doe, you want to find yourself a girlfriend and get some daylight instead of sitting on the internet all day masturbating furiously.